Welcome in BILOU.IT!


The name bilou is a name of pure imagination with which, many years ago, I gave to a puppet resulted from my youthful imagination.
Let me introduce myself: Raffaele Marasco born February 5, 1958 in Naples, where I still live and work, dealing with construction of electrical and electronic equipment.


This site was created with the intent to promote (intention of making known) the experience and skills acquired in over 20 years of work in the production of electrical and electronic equipment for the control of industrial processes and, more generally, in electrical and electronic manifacture.


My working experience begun over 20 years ago with the first control equipment based with programmed logic controller (PLC) in place of the traditional electromechanical wired logic.
Since then I had many experiences, as an employee and as a self-employed worker, which lead me to deal with various problems in different industries areas.
I think it’s appropriate to remember the main collaborations attaching, as much as possible, with some pictures.


You can reach me by email or phone at the following contacts

email: info@blou.it

phone: +39 348 4036121